Paternal Grandparents of Juan Matias
Jose Ygnacio Sanchez and Ysavel Apolonia Fresquis were married :June 3, 1756 in San Juan de los Caballeros in Rio Arriba, NM. Currently the only known child of Jose Ygnacio Sanchez (born before 1748 location unknown- ?) and Ysavel Apolonia Fresquis (born about 1724 in Embudo Rio Arriba, NM) is:
There exists a possibility there were up to 9 sons, all of whom came to America from Spain. Since this is an oral family tradition, we are not sure whose sons they were. It is looking less likely that these were brothers of Juan Cristoval due to the fact that a New Mexico marriage record has been found for Ysavel and Jose. Perhaps this story is true, perhaps not. It is still an historical clue to be checked out.